Granted! The art and science of successful grant writing
Every Thursday 9:30-10:30am, Aug 15 - 29
You may be able to receive this workshop free of charge. Create an account or login to your dashboard to check your eligibility.
This 3-part workshop provides information, resources and practical experience essential to writing successful grant proposals. Find the right grant to get the funding you need to grow your business.
BC businesses can receive 60% to 100% of employee training costs through government grants.
Approximately 42% of business owners know about government grants but don't know where to find them or how to apply.
32% of business owners are not aware of available grants - Granted! will help you find the right grant & how to apply.
This workshop is presented in 3 parts:
Part 1: learn which grants are for you - presented through information & discussion on types of grants, availability & researching the right grant for your organization.
Part 2: in the break between Part 1 and Part 2 participants will be asked to find a potential grant that suits them and begin a draft proposal for discussion & feedback in the second session. Part 2 will go through logistics and financials for grant writing.
Part 3: Reporting requirements and wrap-up.
Participants with come away with a real and practical start to a grant proposal.
Learning Outcomes:
What grants are right for your business or organization
Where to find those grants (handouts provided)
How to develop a formal grant proposal including crafting a compelling story
Managing & reporting to the Grantor, building a donor relationship
Bio: M-J Cousins holds a Business Administration degree in Marketing & Human Resource
Management, Certificates in Social Media Marketing and Grant Writing. She has many years of
experience in Economic Development, which she prefers to call Community Capacity building.
Her work has included a member survey for a Downtown Business Development organization,
fundraising for a regional hospital foundation, leading development of a regional new economic
opportunities report, a study of the impact of recent wildfires on small business in the South
Cariboo as well as recruiting Family Practice Physicians with the Central Interior Rural and
South Vancouver Island Divisions of Family Practice.
M-J has always been a volunteer wherever she lived, helping raise funds with a Pediatric
Oncology department, Kidsport or a jazz festival. She was President of the BC Economic
Development Assoc; of the Canadian Mental Health Association South Cariboo branch;
awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship for her role as President of the South Cariboo Rotary Club.
Currently, M-J is Chair of Gateways Services for Families with Special Needs supporting
neurodiverse youth. Always happy to be outdoors, she enjoys running, hiking, paddling and
x-country skiing and most of all, spending time with her family.
Community Futures British Columbia
33163 2nd Ave
Mission BC V2V 6T8 1-604-289-4222
Mon to Fri: 8:30am to 4:30pm
CFBC is the provincial association for the Community Futures Development Corporation. Since 1992 we've been fostering entrepreneurship and economic development in rural BC through our 34 member offices. Learn More.
We are grateful to live and work with people from across many traditional and unceded territories, covering all regions of British Columbia. We are honoured to live on this land and are committed to economic development and growing small businesses together.